Optimal health and correct posture (standing or walking) were only concepts to the Swiss born Rene-Claudius Schumperli (developer of the AtlasPROFilax treatment) for most of his life. Mr. Schumperli in his early years had fractured his first cervical vertebrae, the Atlas (C1). He suffered for what seemed to be an endless period of time. This suffering changed the course of his life through his desire to stop the pain. Like many people, neither traditional medicine nor any of the alternatives were able relieve his pain. Mr. Schumperli tried osteopathy and other known therapies but to no avail. All known therapies only gave him temporary relief from his pain.
In the course of his suffering, Mr. Schumperli developed a new method to work with the Upper Neck area: doing so, was a breakthrough for mankind. The method developed by Mr Schumperli allows the body to naturally relax softly and consistently into its natural anatomically correct position.
Today, we are aware of the importance of the upper neck concerning our health and mental balance. The neck is the passage for the nerves, veins, arteries, spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid. A wrenched neck inevitably leads to restrictions, disturbed blood flow and reduced information flow between the brain and body. The natural balance of life is disrupted. This imbalance also leads to imbalances in the whole body. The body must compensate for the imbalance of the upper neck and head with a rotation that goes all the way down to the toes. Since our body is connected to the energetic pathways of our internal organs and emotional patterns, such a twist of the inner axis is also able to unbalance those same internal organs and emotional patterns. However, having the head and upper neck in its natural position, the body can obtain a new dimension of health.
The method developed by Mr. Schumperli works to release existing muscular and fascial tensions. This is accomplished by a specific massage of short neck muscles which allows for the body and the upper neck to go back into its natural position on its own. This is done without twisting, cracking, thrusting, forcing, pulling or manipulating any bony structures. Once the soft tissue is released and the upper neck reaches its natural balance(on its own) the body now has a much stronger ability to stay in balance due to the anatomical and mechanical reasons. The treatment only needs to be done once in most people. It is recommended to receive full body massage and other therapies to assist the body with its healing and unwinding processes. This offers the body the greater chance for complete physical, spiritual and emotional healing.
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