Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Valid Websites to View"/"/"/
I will add more when I find them or people can comment on ones they find. I know there is a lot of information out there about AtlasPROfilax®. A great deal of the information out there is credible, but some of it is only assumptions or even untrue. Let's keep an open channel for communication and for our ever expanding awareness.
Remember, when something revolutionary/cutting edge comes to the surface, there may be times when people bump up against their own ideas, knowledge, and even their deepest beliefs. This may challenge someone's own ideas about how the body works. Let us work in cooperation for the betterment of human kind.
Thank you and Blessings-
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thank you for your participation,
Troy Roper, LMT
Monday, July 7, 2008
MY TESTIMONIAL – Dr. Robert A. Pope Chiropractic Physician
I had the privilege of experiencing the AtlasPROfilax massage treatment from Troy Roper last year in August, 2006. I must admit I was skeptical when it came to the claim that this was a onetime correction of the atlas misalignment. I am a Chiropractor with more than 30 years of experience in the study and correction of misaligned spinal components. I have been seeking quality correction for a very long time. Just before starting my chiropractic training, I recall being treated by a Chiropractor in 1976 who had invented a machine that he claimed would permanently correct the misalignment of the Atlas and Axis (C1 and C2 vertebrae). My experience was that it did not last. I have had many, many adjustments of my atlas since and have performed thousands of adjustments on patients over the years. The promise of permanence has been sought by chiropractors and healers for over a century! Is it possible? Maybe now, for the first time.
Nothing I have experienced nor performed has given the benefits and results that this onetime treatment has. The experience to date with the AtlasPROfilax treatment is that my atlas has maintained proper alignment and function. I have felt GREAT! The chronic pain at the base of my skull is gone. I am more balanced and empowered in my life. My energy is consistent and my overall sense of well-being is harmony and peace. Can this onetime treatment do this for everyone? I don’t know, but it is an essential piece of the puzzle!
The difference between the AtlasPROfilax treatment and chiropractic is that the correction of the mis-aligned atlas is not done through osseous manipulation. The correction is accomplished by a very specific and unique correction of the soft-tissues that support the articulation and alignment of the vertebra. There is nothing in chiropractic that matches this process. In fact, I would highly recommend every chiropractor and chiropractic patient have this correction done. It will save the patient and the Doctor of Chiropractic from unnecessary suffering and ineffective treatments. Now this does not replace chiropractic. Once the AtlasPROfilax correction is accomplished, the ongoing supportive alignment of the spine and pelvis must be maintained to further support healing and well-being.
In the toolbox of treatments that make a difference, the AtlasPROfilax treatment is a must!
Thank you Troy for bringing this to me and for trusting that a Chiropractor would have the courage and awareness to try something new in spinal care and be benefited by the expertise and genius of others.
Dr. Robert A. Pope
Chiropractic Physician
2682 S. Highland Dr., Suite 103
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
801 486-9600
"The ego knows no joy. Joy is unconditional love in action!"
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
WOW! That's Amazing!
PEP : Pain Elimination Protocol (Let me PEP up your Day!)
I just got back from spending the weekend with Dr. Kaufman in Denver. I participated in the Pain Elimination Technique Boot Camp 2008 ( Wow, so amazing how pain just went away in seconds. His technique is based on the Tendon Reflex as well as several others to literally turn off pain in seconds. Click on his website link and read some of the testimonials for yourself.
I am now integrating this series of techniques into my practice. So if you have been worked on by me or not and you have chronic pain or new pain let's ELIMINATE IT!
I want to see as many of you who are in pain. If I have already treated you with this new technique, please leave your comments here at the bottom. Your comments will make a huge difference in someone else's life.
Thank you and blessings,
Troy Roper
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I was performing a follow-up appointment with a client who has had the symptoms of fibromyalgia for the last 15 years. I was asking the client about how they were feeling since receiving the treatment. The client stated some interesting comments about relief of symptoms: "So far none of my previous symptoms have returned, as of YET". As we continued to talk, the client shared that they thought it was not possible to feel better with out pain and suffering. It almost seemed like this client thought that these symptoms would come back at some point in time.
This client had the belief that they would never feel good. This client had felt the symptoms of fibromyalgia for so long they developed a belief that they could never get better. This got me thinking about a colleague's program about belief's and Intentional Resting (developed by Dan Howard). There are some who have hypothesized that a long standing belief can effect one's DNA. I wonder if you think that you will never get better, you never get better?
Dan Howard is the founder of "Intentional Resting" and is currently creating "The Resting Foundation"- a non-profit organization committed to promoting the benefits of "Intentional Resting" for the global community. I have found his process (CD) to be very peaceful, relaxing, and helpful to my continued growth.
I think Dan's work with "Intentional Resting" could dramatically assist in the unwinding process that people go through after having the AtlasPROfilax® treatment. After the AtlasPROfilax® treatment, a person could not only work on their physical structural alignment but their belief structures too. I have found that I have gone through so many shifts, physical as well as mental/emotional, since having had my AtlasPROfilax® treatment. I found myself looking for ways to speed up my body re-alignment that I started to think 'why not work with my mind at the same time.'
I would like to thank you in advance for your time and comments.
Troy Roper
Monday, May 12, 2008
History of AtlasPROfilax
Optimal health and correct posture (standing or walking) were only concepts to the Swiss born Rene-Claudius Schumperli (developer of the AtlasPROFilax treatment) for most of his life. Mr. Schumperli in his early years had fractured his first cervical vertebrae, the Atlas (C1). He suffered for what seemed to be an endless period of time. This suffering changed the course of his life through his desire to stop the pain. Like many people, neither traditional medicine nor any of the alternatives were able relieve his pain. Mr. Schumperli tried osteopathy and other known therapies but to no avail. All known therapies only gave him temporary relief from his pain.
In the course of his suffering, Mr. Schumperli developed a new method to work with the Upper Neck area: doing so, was a breakthrough for mankind. The method developed by Mr Schumperli allows the body to naturally relax softly and consistently into its natural anatomically correct position.
Today, we are aware of the importance of the upper neck concerning our health and mental balance. The neck is the passage for the nerves, veins, arteries, spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid. A wrenched neck inevitably leads to restrictions, disturbed blood flow and reduced information flow between the brain and body. The natural balance of life is disrupted. This imbalance also leads to imbalances in the whole body. The body must compensate for the imbalance of the upper neck and head with a rotation that goes all the way down to the toes. Since our body is connected to the energetic pathways of our internal organs and emotional patterns, such a twist of the inner axis is also able to unbalance those same internal organs and emotional patterns. However, having the head and upper neck in its natural position, the body can obtain a new dimension of health.
The method developed by Mr. Schumperli works to release existing muscular and fascial tensions. This is accomplished by a specific massage of short neck muscles which allows for the body and the upper neck to go back into its natural position on its own. This is done without twisting, cracking, thrusting, forcing, pulling or manipulating any bony structures. Once the soft tissue is released and the upper neck reaches its natural balance(on its own) the body now has a much stronger ability to stay in balance due to the anatomical and mechanical reasons. The treatment only needs to be done once in most people. It is recommended to receive full body massage and other therapies to assist the body with its healing and unwinding processes. This offers the body the greater chance for complete physical, spiritual and emotional healing.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hello and Welome
This has been something we have wanted to do for some time now. This will provide the space to share freely about your experiences with the AtlasPROFilax treatment. People will be able to share all that they are experiencing physically, emotionally, energetically, and spiritually after they have experienced the treatment.
Thank you for your openness and willingness to share with others in order to assist them with the unwinding process. Dawn and I look forward to reading and posting along with all of you on this journey we call life.
Troy and Dawn Roper