Friday, December 4, 2009

Related Articles

Atlas: Following the Way of Our Bones

The bones in the spine that determine the position of your neck and head are called the atlas. Like Atlas in Greek mythology who held up the world, this atlas holds up the globe that is your head.

An atlas, of course, is also a collection of maps. Maps indicate a path for a journey, and guide one's perspective. They imply potential: A map is used by someone about to embark, or by one who is lost and hopes to find context.

An atlas also signifies the future. Though used in the present, it is the means to orient one toward an eventual destination, a goal.

The spine's atlas orients us, gives us our perspective, and sends us forward into the future. If your chin is up, the horizon before you is wide and open. If down, your horizon is small and narrow.

The atlas of your spine also provides others with a map of who you are. A straight back and chin-up posture indicates strength, confidence, pride and vitality. A stooped posture is read by others as defeat, decline, fear, weakness and helplessness. People are attracted to those who stand up straight and look up. They avoid those who look beaten, helpless and needy.

The map your atlas provides to others is also your own map, the self-fulfilling prophesy of who you are, of what psychological and spiritual territory you inhabit, and of your intended destination. When you straighten up, you show yourself a way forward and include in your view an open and full horizon. You become confident and say 'I am not afraid, I am strong—walk beside me and I will be good company.' When you are slump-shouldered and small, when you curl inward, you say to yourself, 'I am sad and lonely—poor me; I am weak and need to be carried.'

Posture is an expression but also a means. Through mindful posture, we can become how we stand and move forward, we can communicate to others how we should be regarded and treated, and we can attract or repel those around us. This is how we follow the map of our bones.

Chip Ward, co-founder of HEAL Utah, now writes from Torrey. He is the author of Canaries on the Rim: Living Downwind in the West and Hope's Horizon: Three Visions for Healing the Land.

Monday, June 22, 2009



"You can have six billion people in the dark and a few million of them light a match and everybody can see. You understand? Then when everybody can see, they won't allow things to continue as they are...

You may not realize the part you played in it, but you did it. I'll tell you, some of you are awakening right now and saying, "Well, what can I do more than what I've done?"

I'll tell you: Relax. Breathe. Light your match. Don't get caught up in "what's next" or "how much" or "how hard" or "am I doing it right". I'll tell you, just hold your match and let God love you.

That's all you have to do and these things will be added unto you and you will be put into synchronistic places. You'll be shown the passion for where you should be.

You'll move from place to place. You'll be in the right place at the right time. That's all there is. It's not about grandness or greatness or doing or being. It's just about accepting the love of God in your life and moving from place to place without guilt that you're not doing enough.

Don't be hard on yourselves. Just be in light....That's what you do, dear Lightworker. Do you understand?"

- Kryon

Sylvia Nibley read this quote to us the other day and I thought it to be very appropriate to what we do with AtlasPROfilax® and all the people who have the treatment. We all have the opportunity to awaken to the new energies around us. Bask in the light and love of God.

Thank you and blessings-

Thursday, March 12, 2009

AtlasPROfilax® and Life Coaching a powerful combination

I want to acknowledge the powerful work of the atlas correction procedure. As a life coach, I have the privilege of working with many clients who have had their atlas corrected. One of the key things I notice after the procedure is the clarity individuals experience. There is also a renewed sense of self and access to person's own personal power. Although many times following the procedure many people experience powerful emotions and sometimes even unconcealed memories and fears, there is a keen ability to move through the emotions and develop an even stronger sense of one's own power and ability to know what they want in life. Clients tend to recover and have a more grounded approach to upsets from the past and can actually see the value of the past and how it has benefited who they know themselves to be today.

My own atlas correction has provided me with a sense of self confidence and ability to perform. Because of my own experience and renewal of knowing what is most important to me, my coaching business has doubled. I find a greater sense of peace knowing that I am doing what I have always longed to do in life.

Many thanks for a whole new lease on life.

The Possibility of Love, Honor & Partnership
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."