Monday, July 28, 2008


Here is a space for you all to share your experiences under this particular blog title: "Testimonials". Please click "comments" at the bottom this will provide you a box in which you may compose your testimonial to share with others. To complete your post click the "Publish Post" button.

Thank you for your participation,


Troy Roper, LMT

Monday, July 7, 2008


MY TESTIMONIAL – Dr. Robert A. Pope Chiropractic Physician


I had the privilege of experiencing the AtlasPROfilax massage treatment from Troy Roper last year in August, 2006. I must admit I was skeptical when it came to the claim that this was a onetime correction of the atlas misalignment. I am a Chiropractor with more than 30 years of experience in the study and correction of misaligned spinal components. I have been seeking quality correction for a very long time. Just before starting my chiropractic training, I recall being treated by a Chiropractor in 1976 who had invented a machine that he claimed would permanently correct the misalignment of the Atlas and Axis (C1 and C2 vertebrae). My experience was that it did not last. I have had many, many adjustments of my atlas since and have performed thousands of adjustments on patients over the years. The promise of permanence has been sought by chiropractors and healers for over a century! Is it possible? Maybe now, for the first time.

Nothing I have experienced nor performed has given the benefits and results that this onetime treatment has. The experience to date with the AtlasPROfilax treatment is that my atlas has maintained proper alignment and function. I have felt GREAT! The chronic pain at the base of my skull is gone. I am more balanced and empowered in my life. My energy is consistent and my overall sense of well-being is harmony and peace. Can this onetime treatment do this for everyone? I don’t know, but it is an essential piece of the puzzle!

The difference between the AtlasPROfilax treatment and chiropractic is that the correction of the mis-aligned atlas is not done through osseous manipulation. The correction is accomplished by a very specific and unique correction of the soft-tissues that support the articulation and alignment of the vertebra. There is nothing in chiropractic that matches this process. In fact, I would highly recommend every chiropractor and chiropractic patient have this correction done. It will save the patient and the Doctor of Chiropractic from unnecessary suffering and ineffective treatments. Now this does not replace chiropractic. Once the AtlasPROfilax correction is accomplished, the ongoing supportive alignment of the spine and pelvis must be maintained to further support healing and well-being.

In the toolbox of treatments that make a difference, the AtlasPROfilax treatment is a must!

Thank you Troy for bringing this to me and for trusting that a Chiropractor would have the courage and awareness to try something new in spinal care and be benefited by the expertise and genius of others.


Dr. Robert A. Pope

Chiropractic Physician

2682 S. Highland Dr., Suite 103

Salt Lake City, UT 84106

801 486-9600

"The ego knows no joy. Joy is unconditional love in action!"